Crazy May

May was a crazy month for us! The month included a break-in, a break-down, a pirate ship, a zoo, boomerangs, a soccer game and a swimming pool.

Christina and Mateo Gibaldi visited us from Kitimat. Jonas learned how to skate on Mateo's board. We even rode Metrotown skate park, Nadia too. Thanks for coming guys.

The day after Mother's Day, just before Amanda came home from work after picking up Jonas, a burglar broke the window on our front door and gained access to our home. Fortunately the alarm and a suspicious neighbor scared off the intruder. I raced home to meet an RCMP K9 Unit. We're still a bit shaken by the whole incident but thankful for the response from our alarm, neighbors and local RCMP. All we need now is a new door.

Life quickly got back to normal as we joined the Hillers, Hubers for a cruise with Pirates at Granville Island. The next adventure was to Woodland Zoo with Andrea, Ryan, Matias not before getting our fix with baby Nya. She came along too.

Dad was lucky to spend a whole weekend with the kids while Mom was in Seattle for a work conference. Gymnastics, Kindergarten orientation and vegetable planting were Daddy and Naddy's events while Jonas was in school. Nadia insisted on carrots. We also planted beans, peas, basil and as usual tomatoes. After school we tested the boomerang our Aussie neighbor Ms Judy gave us - lots of fun in the sun.

We are still dealing with car problems that have arisen this month so we are again car shoppers - far sooner than we had hoped. We know - first world problems. Anyways....

The last weekend of the month was the best. Soccer practice, followed by Whitecaps 2-1 victory over Real Salt Lake at BC Place. And the best of all: a visit to Bob and Devra's swimming pool where met some new friends and splashed and played for hours in the summer sun! Thanks Bobby and Dev!


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