Labour Day Weekend

We had an eventful but relaxing long weekend. On Friday night we attended Keith's cousins wedding down in Gastown. It was a very nice celebration...congrats Melissa and Matt! Many of Keith's family were able to meet Jonas for the first time. He loved all the snuggles and kisses so much that we met the family...all 19 of us...out for brunch on the Sunday. It was scrumptious!
Jonas had a Dr's appt today and he's now 12lbs 5 oz and is 59cm! Those are good numbers, so we're happy. I love September, we've been trying to take advantage of our nice evening weather with lot's of walks. Jonas is happiest when he is on the move, he's not one to just sit around! September has also brought back school for Keith, who is taking classes again 2 days a week. Busy, busy, busy!


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