December visitors

We've had such a great December and it's only the 9th! Oh ya...and today is Mommy's Birthday too! My special friend Olivia came to visit with her mama Cara for the first 3 days of Dec. We did lot's of fun things. I was a lucky boy travelling with three pretty ladies and I sure missed them when they left. I showed Livy how I talk and she seemed to listen! I love to squeal and make my voice very high or very low! Then my Mumzee, Grandpa, Auntie Drea and Uncle Ryan came and we did an early Christmas this past weekend. I loved all the shiny paper and tried to put it in my mouth before it was quickly snatched away. We even went to a very fancy North Pole ( Van Dusen gardens light show) where I got to meet Santa and his elves and see lot's of fancy lights! We all went to Church on Sunday and there was a special dedication ceremony for me and my friends Natalie and Jasmine. Mummy and Daddy read a special letter to me of how much they love me and then the Pastor prayed that God would watch over me as I grow big! I loved all the attention but I have a bad tickle in my throat and I've been coughing all day and night. Mummy even took me to a Dr but they say I'm cute with a little cough that'll pass. I'm coughing so much that I've been making all the adults in the house help me fall asleep. Mumzee and Grandpa are leaving tomorrow and I'm so sad....I get a bit bored just being with Mommy all day! ( Pictures above include the family at Van Dusen Gardens, Jonas and Grandpa in the mall, Jonas feeling very sickly and sad)


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