Spring is near!

I can't believe it's the end of March! This month has been all about getting together with friends. Friends we see quite often and friends we haven't seen in quite a while but always love to see!
Keith has one more class this week and then he's done! I can't wait to have him home Thursdays at a decent hour again! Thursdays can be quite long when he doesn't get home til almost 8 pm. We've also been planning our trip to Portugal. The year off of work seems to be going so quickly.
Jonas seems to have changed this month as well. He appears more like a little boy everyday rather than a baby! We've noticed him really take things in and process and I'm realizing I need to take every opportunity to start teaching him about our big world! People keep commenting about how much hair he's grown this month! He can also wave hello and goodbye but will only do it when he wants to and not when we want to show off his new skill! He is learning to use his voice when he wants our attention or if he wants something. His diet has expanded quite a bit and I never thought I'd love the food processor so much. I've been trying to make all his meals more than buying baby food. It doesn't take too long, it just means being a bit more creative! Our biggest challenge, or I should say, my biggest challenge is to stop all the night feeds. He still gets up twice a night and I would love to break this habit. I'll be going to Hawaii at the end of May and the boys are on their own for 4 days so I'm hoping Keith won't need to be warming milk at 3 am! Those 4 days will be challenging enough for him, so I'd love for him to be able to at least sleep through the night!


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