
Hello everyone!
I wanted to tell you some of my stories from our adventures to Portugal. Daddy and Mommy had told me I would be going on a plane ride but I didn't realize they meant 3 plane rides! Yikes!
The first ride to Toronto, I was a charming little fella and entertained all my surrounding people with lot's of laughs, clapping and peek-a-boo. But then came the second plane ride to San Miguel (Portugal) and that's a whole different story! Mommy and Daddy tried to help me fall asleep but PEOPLE...I need my own space, really. I can only sleep on their laps for so long and then I really do need to have my own place to sleep. Well, that wasn't happening and because I couldn't sleep, I wasn't going to let anyone else sleep around me! I remember hearing a comment from my Mommy that we weren't making any friends on this flight. By the time we arrived at Avousi and Avausi's house in Terceira, I think many days had past ( 36 hours ). My body was a bit mixed but the adults tried to get me back on track with Portugal time.
Portugal....I love it, love it, love it! I get to eat almost everything I want, everyone pays attention to me and I get lot's of kisses from all the ladies! Don't tell Mommy or Daddy but I just had to give a cute smile and people would feed me lot's of cake and cookies too, yum, yum! By the time we left to come back home I gained 3 lbs! I can now clap very well, dance when music is playing, give hugs and kisses, eat adult portions of lasagne, walk with assistance and kill ants with my fingers.
Okay, gotta run...


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