Happy Halloween

Another month is gone before we know it!

In the last 2 weeks Jonas has decided to become shy with many of our friends. It's a bit weird as he's usually quite easy going but we've been getting some extra cuddle time from Jonas, because of it! He's also becoming quite the walker, almost preferring it now to crawling. It's still quite odd to turn around and there's this little body bobbing around! Keith was shocked the other night when he went into his room and brought a book into our room that he wanted us to read to him! Our baby is growing up! We're realizing more and more how important it is to have real conversations with him as he really does understand what we are saying. I'm trying to remind myself not to take these moments for granted as he really is growing up right before our eyes.

He went out on his first trick or treat Halloween. We joined our great friends, the Pereira's, trick or treating in their neighborhood. It was great because their little girl really gets the concept of being given candy at the door and Jonas quickly picked up on this. He lasted a good hour and a bit, holding his bag out to receive candy! At the end of the night, you'll see from one of the photos, we're sitting on their front steps, ALL, enjoying candy while getting our own personal fireworks show. It was a pretty great night...thanks for the great memories Pereiras! :)


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