A little update

Just a little update on our little man.....after a wonderful evening at Children's Hospital emerg....over three hours of waiting....and a chest x-ray.....Jonas has pneumonia! It really sounds worse than what I'd like to believe it is. I took him in only because of his irregular breathing and weird cough and tadaaa! So now we're on a 10 day course of AB. His cough is already gone and is breathing is pretty much normal and although he is more irritable, you'd never know that he is "sick". This too shall pass. I like to think that we have a pretty healthy boy but I truly believe that him being born with Group B Strep and a wet lung have definitely influenced his health in some negative ways. There were times over the summer where I would take him to the Dr. for "lung" type issues and was told it was nothing but finally at the hospital on Monday night I was affirmed of my concerns! Not saying he's had pneumonia his whole life but they did tall me that he is more susceptible to "lung" type illness due to his issues at birth.

Anyways....looking forward to Christmas with our family! A good friend and I often talk about our "unconditional love" for eachother. No matter what decisions the other makes good or bad, we're there for eachother...that's unconditional love. Living in the city it's hard to have those types of friendships....I miss that and so I'm soo grateful for those deep rooted friendships that I actually do have. Thank you girls.....you know who you are!


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