
We recently went over to Victoria to visit great friends of ours, Cara, Nuno and their daughter Olivia. We are so thrilled for them as they are expecting twin girls in 3 weeks, and wanted to help out anyway we could before this arrival and introduce them to Nadia! Jonas and Olivia are 2 months apart and absolutely LOVE eachother. We've nicknamed them the "Gruesome Twosome" seeing eachother often enough that they play easily together....even though Jonas will soon be the only boy, surrounded by 4 girls! Saturday afternoon Keith and Nuno were doing some work outside and Jonas and Olivia decided to help out. Let's just say we had to strip them down to their underwear before we could bring them in the house, mud from head to toe!
Funny scene....Cara and I chatting in the kitchen, realizing it's too quiet and so we start to look for the "gruesome twosome". They are quietly sitting in the guestroom after going through our luggage and have discovered our snacks from the ferry. Olivia...sitting on the bed covered in cookie crumbs and holding cookies in her hands, Jonas....holding the biggest green apple and happily crunching down, peel and all! He never eats the peel! It was a very funny scene! Anyways, we had a great visit and can't wait to meet the next two to join our crazy crew!


  1. Nadia and Jonas are beautiful!! You look great :)
    Hope we can see each other when we come for Christmas!
    Hugs to you,


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