Happy 4 Months!

We can't believe that Nadia is 4 months old today! She had a Dr's check up this week and weighs in at 14 lbs 3oz and measuring 61 1/2 cm long. (Both numbers are in the 50th percentile. ) We are truly enjoying her and her little personality that seems to be coming out. She loves to look in the mirror and laugh at herself and enjoys having her big brother entertain her. Jonas is great at coming up with games that Nadia can join in with, like rolling the soccer ball back and forth. Looking back when Jonas was Nadia's age, I've come to realize how easy Jonas was as a baby. Let's just say Nadia is a bit more fussy and demands routine and structure! By 7pm she insists on bed time in her bed....great for us, unless we're out and about! We've also been trying to cut the soother out of her bedtime routine. Last week we went through an episode where, during the night, every 45 mins the soother would fall out and she'd cry until we went in to put it back in her mouth! I did NOT function very well last week with that little of sleep!
A friend recently posted on their blog how easy a facebook message can be vs a blog entry. On facebook, you may be feeling an emotion or have a thought and you can just plunk out the sentence and be done with it. On the blog...one sentence doesn't really seem right. Sometimes, though, one sentence says it all. Here are some of my "one sentence thoughts".
....missing family and would love to just jump in the car and drive to them
....worried about what childcare will look like in October when I go back to work
....missing the ease of having friends live close by ( small towns are great for this!)
....had a great little Starbucks date with Jonas this week!


  1. 4 months already? Wow, where does the time fly to?!
    Nadia is beautiful, can't wait to meet her ... there are quite a few babies I can't wait to meet :)
    Don't worry about childcare, God is orchestrating everything, He'll make things work out ... that's His department ;)

  2. I think it's great that you do Starbucks dates with Joanas.I was just saying to Jonathan that I want to start spending some more individual time with David and Angeline. Sometimes I take David shopping just me and him. I'd like to hit the swimming pool one of these days. Samara now takes a bottle just have to find time to pump! Thanks for the update on Nadia too.


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