Bye Bye October...already!

So October has come and gone and what have we accomplished......Mommy went back to work! And life has we know it has changed! Some of our highlights have included our very close friend Rico, staying with us for a few weeks while he was taking a course. Honestly, he was a great house guest and help and we all went thru a little withdrawl after he left!

Work is going really well, however, the kids have taken some time adjusting to going to childcare 3 days a week. I would say my worst part of the day is dragging them out of their cozy beds, in the dark, at 6:30am so that I can get them to the sitter, so that I can get to work. Writing that and reading it....boy I feel selfish.....this whole working mother thing is a bit over rated. So often , including today, I'm asked how do Keith and I make it work without family around. (Quote from Jonas last week " Mommy I really just want to stay at home with you". ) Somehow we do, I guess when you don't have a choice you just do it. But what I wouldn't give for a little help sometimes! And paying for childcare....sigh...enough said.

Another highlight....Keith and I were able to go to Las Vegas with our dear friends, Tony and Christina! Thank you so much Mom for coming to watch the kids on your own for 4 whole days so we could have a weekend away! As much as we missed the kids, 32 degree weather beside a beautiful pool was pretty nice!

Nadia's highlights from the month....helps sing Old McDonald (especially the EIO part!), loves to talk on the phone, says hello, bye, dirty, love you, can sing the middle part of the ABC's and can count 123, trys to snap her fingers, still has 2 naps a day and sleeps from 7pm - 7 am, loves the swings and just wants to be able to run with Jonas.

Jonas' highlights from the month.....becoming quite the negotiator, loves taking skating and soccer lessons, constantly wants to go on adventures, loves to know the list of activities for the day


  1. Nadia is growing up so fast... very cute! Thanks for the October update!

  2. No kidding October went fast!! Fall is going fast :P All people are talking about is Christmas and I feel like it should still be 20+ degrees...Glad things are going well :)


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