Boys & Girls of Summer

August started with Zee-zee coming to town for a visit and a week babysitting Nadia. Doctor checkups had Jonas at 36 lb and Nadia 24 lb - all normal except for Nadia's chronic eczema. As Mom went back home we headed to Kitimat to visit family and friends and the wedding of Ralph and Melissa. The Gibaldis were once again very gracious in allowing us to invade their premises - many thanks to all our favorite people  for their hospitality.

Hi-lites of the trip included spending time/meals with many family and friends, trampolining, Jonas' first time riding a quad, first fishing trip and yes, Nadia's first poop on a potty! We definitely appreciate the unconditional love of our family and friends. A nasty case strep throat just days before coming home made for a rough flight home, though, for Amanda, and an extended recovery that followed.  

Nadia is becoming more and more independent and willfull. She loves ice cream, her pajamas, asks to have them on whenever she can. "Group hugs"come before bed. Nadia can be heard spontaneously singing "Happy Birthday", "Jesus Loves me" saying "not cool", "certainly not", among many other cute comments and catch phrases.

She likes to ride her tricycle (daddy pulls her along mostly) to the park with Jonas and both of them have become good climbers. Jonas is quickly mastering Taylor Park playground apparatus as well as more advanced equipment beside the school. They love the swings, zip line and picking blackberries just outside our door.

Camping and swimming at Cultus Lake with the Mitchells became our second successful camping trip - despite one night on a deflated air bed. Labour Day weekend was happily spent here at home and the PNE where we visited the animals, watched the super stunt bikes perform and generally enjoyed another beautiful BC summer day!


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