Summer's here!

Jonas and Nadia are definitely outdoor kids so we are happy the weather is better and we can go outside more. A recent visit to our great friends Nuno and Cara, and family, in Comox has been a highlight - it included sun, beach time, and crab catching.

Jonas is counting into the hundreds, reading and writing, at what seems to be a high level for a kid his age. Grandpa and Zeezee swept him off to Kelowna this week while we installed hardwood flooring on our main level - horay, no more carpet! Other highlights include Jonas' Kindergarten orientation, swimming and a new love for cake - with a big glass of milk, of course. He will dress and undress himself with no problems, likes to help with chores/bringing in groceries, etc. and is learning how to play Tennis (with Dad).

Nadia loves bugs and squishing bugs, loves princesses (thanks Zeezee for the dress), princess birthday parties, big girls, had her first taste of lobster (thanks Dave and Brenda) and looooves it! She likes entertaining, dancing, joking, even calling one of her toots a "bum sneeze". She acquired her first appreciable scar underneath her bottom lip when she fell face first onto bench at church. Thankfully the damage was relatively minor - no stitches required and the scar is fading slowly. Nadia has become quite the trike rider, able to pedal all the way to the park with little or no help. Besides this she has become very vocal - tells us she loves us "so much", or say shes "so sorry" and "have a nice day", likes to sing and have conversations about her likes and dislikes. Thankfully she is not too picky about food (yet).

Nadia is very excited about going to preschool this Fall and Jonas is looking forward to Kindergarten especially that some of his preschool mates will be in the same class.


  1. Glad to hear everyone is well. Hopefully Jonas isn't bored in kindergarten!


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