A kiss, a hug, and a smooch

Here's the kids helping Dad stacking firewood in Grandpa's cellar - fun. This Spring Jonas lost his second tooth. It was loose for a while then Jonas accidentally swallowed it during lunch at Grandma's. An apology letter, written by Jonas to the Tooth Ferry, was enough to earn a shiny toony. Nadia had her second hair cut, moved from a tricycle to bicycle. Jonas got a haircut from Mama, has a new 16" bike and already has it mastered. Daddy and Nadia are enjoying the sunnier weather on their ride to preschool and work! Spring included visits to Jonas' and Nadia's schools for Parent-Teacher conference/observation - both are doing quite well and learning quickly. Jonas read "A big guy took my ball" all by himself and writes little notes and letters all the time. We were amazed when Nadia wrote her name for the first time about a week ago. May finished with another trip to Kelowna where we met Zeezee and Grandpa. Bedtime mow normally includes a card game or board game, one story each, and...a kiss, a hug and a smooch! 


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