To post or not to post

It's almost humorous that our life seems to be chaotic and I haven't posted forever and so I either write something in a diary that I do not have, or write on our blog for friends and family to see a peek into our current life!  Our life always seems busy but the last 30 days have been chaotic.  We came home to a broken hot water tank and flooded basement, add 3 weeks of renovations and having to be close to home to allow multiple people in for repairs ( on one day we had 24 different people in the house for repairs), then throw in a teachers strike and trying to juggle childcare for Jonas, a job that I love but sucks up all my head space, an unexpected death of a friend and then a broken washing machine with no hope of a new machine for at least 3 weeks!

The kids think it's hilarious that the clothes are "having a bath in the tub"! and have helped with some hand washing just to keep up with some of the necessities!  

So many of these items are" first world problems", a term I've been hearing alot lately, but then a great friend of mine reminded me that it's okay to be bothered by "first world problems" and it doesn't mean that we don't care about "bigger problems".  

Nadia.....has become quite a silly gal and she knows it!  She likes to throw in little comments that she's picked up from us...."like seriously mommy", her hair takes up half of her body and in the morning her hair is wild!  We've become quite good at doing "Queen Elsa" or "Princess Anna" hairdo's and she's very particular about what she chooses to wear.  She keeps me on my toes and wants to be entertained constantly.  She loves to be told all of the things that are happening over the next few days and would prefer an agenda rather that an emtpty slate!

Jonas......I always say that I could have 10 of him.  He loves his sports, sport stats, soccer World Cup games and highlights and more sports!  He has finished Kindergarten and is more than ready for the challenge of Grade 1!  We've been so impressed with his reading and writing skills but is amazing at math.  He loves to be go thru his flash cards and show off his skills...often saying "that's so easy"  

Keith and I can be summed up in the first paragraph and somehow we're still smiling!  It's quite humorous and at times we feel like ships in the night just trying to keep it all going smoothly.  We've been able to have my sister and Ryan around a bit more frequently than normal and the four of us were able to sneak off to the musical Wicked over the weekend to celebrate her Birthday!  Trying to take in the little moments amongst the chaos seems to be the way we roll lately.  

I'm not sure if anyone even reads our blog anymore, I do apologize, as I use to be so good at updating it every week or everyother week!  I'll leave the pictures for Keith to put on the blog....a few to add would be Jonas' last day of Kindergarten!

I'll take care of the pictures (and the dishes). We'll get through this together honey, I love you! Anyway, here it is:


  1. I am always amazed how summer manages to get busier despite many scheduled activities coming to an end. (That's without house reno's and broken down washing machines). You guys must have mastered drawing together when the going gets tough so it will only make you stronger. Happy memory making.


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