Merry Christmas

We had a wonderful time in Kelowna celebrating Christmas with our family. We haven't downloaded all our pictures so there will be more to come. As Keith often reminds me, we really are blessed to have so much in our lives and we can't forget that. Over Christmas we celebrated my Mom and Grandma's Birthdays, many different family dinners, skiing and Christmas of course!

An update since my last entry. Jonas was put on antibiotics for 10 days for the pneumonia, well on Dec 23 his body broke out in a rash that we diagnosed as roseola. On Christmas day he was the ugliest cutest boy ever! The poor guy had it from head to toe but it seems to be clearing up quickly which is nice. So then on the 27th he had a temperature of 39.5, add on dehydration and limited eating over the last 2 days, a few phone calls to all our medical people in our life and we ended up at Children's Hospital Emerg where he was diagnosed with a throat infection and fever. So we are hunkering down at home until our little boy's immunity is back in action! You sickies stay away, we need to get healthy over here!

On a side note, we may be in need of childcare soon. This is always a bit of a stress and I know that things always work out but at the moment I'm stressing. If anyone has any connections for us...we'd love to hear from you...Mon-Wed.


  1. Oh poor Jonas!! Sounds like a similar Christmas to what we had last year with Joel. I can empathize. We are glad to hear you had a good time with family and we hope that Jonas gets over everything soon!! Happy New Year :)

  2. Amanda, I'm so sorry to hear that Jonas has been sick. Similarily, although not at all as bad, All three of us were sick with stomach flu over Christmas while in Edmonton. it started with Carlon and me throwing up all night Christmas eve, then Brad Christmas night. I'll put out feelers for the childcare. I'm glad you were able to enjoy time with your family. I'll pray that 2010 is a healthy one for Jonas!


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