Cabo Mexico!

Ten days after being home from Christmas, Keith's parents came to visit for a week. We enjoyed their visit and Jonas seemed very comfortable with them. I think he really loved staying home for a week from childcare and getting alot of one on one with them! Shortly after they left we were off to Mexico with my parents and sister and brother-in-law. We had a great time and again Jonas loved all the attention! The weather was great and the company even better! It was nice to share in the responsibility of watching Jonas. With 6 adults, there was always someone willing to go in the water. Jonas LOVED the water and would spend endless hours splashing in the pools at the resort! We were able to do various activities and Jonas even had his afternoon naps in the shade, poolside! This was a trip we had attempted to plan over the last 3 years so we were very happy to actually see it happen! It makes you wonder why we don't do this more often and so our plan is to plan a family holiday every 2 years. Jonas even gained a taste for Virgin Chi Chi's!
We're now back to reality and looking forward to various company coming over the next 2 months for visits and Olympic events! Not sure what to expect with the Olympics....not looking forward to the chaos!
Jonas's language has grown by leaps and bounds! He's singing his ABC's counting to ten and we'll catch him quietly singing songs that we often sing to him. It's quite amazing watching him be able to pronounce big words and sing full songs! Although he's pretty social, it's interesting watching him in social situations. He approaches a crowd quite shy and stays close to Mom or Dad but after 20 minutes he's high fiving the crowd and giving everyone big hugs. His latest thing is giving big hugs and kisses. We're definitely loving this stage.


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