August & Potty Training!

For all this resting, you'd think I'd be updating the blog a bit more but it just didn't happen! As I said in our last post, we've had so much help over the last few weeks. A big BIG thank you goes to "Auntie Trudy" for making the trip and helping us out for a few weeks. I don't think I changed a diaper once while she was here and she definitely made life around here alot easier given our situation. Jonas loved all the attention and is still asking where she is!
With the beautiful west coast weather we've been having, we enjoyed some beach time recently. I'm not sure who had more fun, Jonas or Keith! We've also been taking advantage of the weather by starting Potty Training! I figured doing it while the weather was nice, would help us out, as we could spend alot of time out on the patio. We just finished day 3 and things are working out really well. Can't believe our little guy is growing up.
Baby #2 is still not wanting to make his/her entrance into the world! This is a good thing, as the Dr said at my last visit that from all the test results/circumstances 4 weeks ago, she's surprised this baby hasn't been born yet. I'm feeling really well though and baby is moving lot's. At this point the Dr. said that I can increase my activity level and things look really good for a healthy baby. The chances of it happening sooner than later are very big, but that's okay.


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