Where did October go?

5 weeks have come and gone since Nadia was born! We still can't believe we have a little girl.....until she starts to loudly grunt at 4 am!! Anyone want to do a night shift at our house! Overall we have adjusted really well. Jonas is still loving her but maybe giving us a harder time cause he notices he's not the center of attention anymore. His language amazes us daily. We're having full conversations, where, for the most part he uses proper nouns and verbs even! He loves to go outside to play soccer and doesn't mind that Nadia has to tag along now. Both the kids had checkups this week...Jonas weighing in at 30lbs, 85cm tall and Nadia ( at 5 weeks ) weighed in at 10.5 lbs! She's putting on the weight very nicely! Jonas, at 5 weeks old, was 10.1 lbs. Nadia is also showing her smiles for us and is starting to show a little bit of a routine during the day and night!
Our Halloween was filled with a great dinner with friends, trick or treating with a giraffe, tiger and soccer player and a GREAT personal fireworks show, courtesy of Dino! ( Dino, your neighbors had nothing on you!) By the end of the night Jonas was EXHAUSTED....and discovered a love for Smarties!


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