Time flies

February is already done and we had so much fun! Jonas was selected to read at school "Why I love my family..." He then proceeded to tell everyone that it was because we let him play video games. Ouch! He does so many other things too - like math, putting away cutlery from the dishwasher and dressing himself in the morning before anyone else has even woken up. Highlights also include Remy coming to stay with us for a week while his family was away. It was so much fund having little Rems around. Our friends the Covas' came to visit too. We took advantage by buying memberships to Science World and enjoyed it so much we returned a week later. Jonas got a new European haircut to match his fine soccer skills and we welcomed a brand new niece - Nya. Congrats to Drea, Ryan and baby Mattias, David and Gimpy! Nadia's soccer has wrapped up - Jonas' soon. We're looking forward to spring - Spring Break, spring soccer, swimming, biking, basketball, tennis, lacrosse - hopefully the nice weather only gets better.


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