December Post

Jonas had his first cavity fillings at a recent dentist checkup. They're on baby teeth so not to worry too much. He handled the procedure courageously. He is excelling in Grade 2, passed his latest spelling test and is learning a lot of yo-yo tricks. He is one of the top three players on his soccer team and has scored or set up a good number of goals this year. Tuesday night is Select Academy, Thursday night practices and Saturday games. We supplement his development with an occassional skate, and/or stick and pick. Is Ice Hockey in our future? Only if there were more hours in the day.

Nadia is enjoying Kindergarten and soccer too. She, like Jonas, is "goal oriented" and can dribble and kick with both feet. Along with soccer, Dance Class at Shadbolt Center continues with Mr. Trevor. A bit of challenge we face is that Nadia has become a bit of a kleptomaniac - something we need to work on. Occasionally we find, in her pockets, other kids little toys, charms or "precious stones". She's learning that there is no excuse for this. We don't mind so much the sticks and rocks but...Alas, she continues to charm us with her mannerisms and sayings, copying a lot of what we say and do - and how we say it too. It's hard to stay angry at a face like that.


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